Somehow, all my links this weekend have to do with family or being a mom. Guess that's indicative of what's been on my mind lately!
Let me tell you, having two kids is WAY different than having one. When my first daughter was a newborn it all seemed so hard to adjust from non-mom life to newborn life with it's constant feeding and pumping, diapers and trial and error. I was glad to be a mom and I loved her more than this world, but that transition was a tough one for me. I stopped working, I was on a diet for the first time in my life, and only a few friends had babies of their own so I had to learn a lot on my own. With no family nearby to offer constant help, the transition was rough to say the least.
I assumed with my second daughter things would be crazier, but I never could've imagined how crazy. I'm yearning for the days of one newborn - where I could nap when she did. I even managed to organize my linen closet during a naptime once. This time around, I'm lucky if I get to brush my teeth and eat. I'm sure many of you are wondering 'What do you do all day exactly?' And to be honest, I'm not even sure. Sometimes I look at the clock and it's 3pm and I don't know where the day went. I know one day I spent two hours trying to get my newborn to sleep, another I spent an hour repeatedly putting my older daughter in the timeout chair when we were supposed to be at the park, I know one day things were just going so well that I didn't want to disrupt it so we just stayed home. Don't rock the boat people.
If it wasn't for my amazing husband who leaves my older daughter and I lunch everyday I'd probably live off pretzels and water. And sometimes I don't get to brush my teeth till after noon - one time it was 3 o'clock. (Sshh) Gross. And so not me.
Nevertheless, the moments when both kids are asleep or when the older one is nice to the newborn are priceless and worth every struggle.
Needless to say I've been seeing the world through the filter of managing two kids and trying to adjust to this new version of life. And that is probably why all of these links are family related.
{Being Close with your Mom} When you're younger it's usually the last thing you want, and somehow, some way, she winds up being the first person on the favorite list on your phone. And you call her at least once a day.
Photo courtesy of
{Worst Baby Photos} I really hope these are real because I'm still laughing. This is one of my favorites...
Photo courtesy of
{The Power of Relatability} A bit philosophical but definitely thought-provoking, especially if you like theater.
Photo courtesy of
{Burger King} I don't know if I'm proud of this man, or disturbed that a grown man would stoop so low. I'll admit, it did garner a chuckle. Or several.
Photo courtesy of
{Picking Up Moms} Trying to make mom friends if your kids aren't school-aged is nearly impossible. And in a weird twisted way, a lot like dating. (And if you're a stay-at-home dad it's even harder. Two moms who exchange numbers at the park? Cool, new friend. A stay-at-home dad and mom? It just looks bad. And I'm pretty sure his wife will neither appreciate his asking you for your number - no matter how well the kids get along - nor will you feel comfortable giving out your number if you're also married. And if one or both of you happens to be single it gets even more awkward and possibly misleading. Is he asking for my number because he's interested in me? Or truly because the kids play well together?)
Photo courtesy of
Go enjoy your weekend with your family.
~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~