Despite my feeling that we rush to Christmas each year, passing Thanksgiving by like poor old Charlie Brown gets passed up by the Peanuts' gang, this my friends is the long awaited Christmas Wishlist.
I already have some fall trends that will carry over into winter - such as short moto booties, leopard smoking flats, a chambray shirt and a big chunky sweater - but if you are lacking the aforementioned items, (can you believe I got to use the word aforementioned?! I always thought that was reserved for highfalutin authors like Ernest Twain and Edgar Allan Faulkner, hehe, j/k) please add them to your list.
The Christmas list is always something I'm conflicted over. I don't want to tell people what I really want because it's usually ungodly expensive. Most people cannot fathom why I would want, or be willing to spend, hard earned money on lets say, oh I don't know, a Givenchy Antigona Clutch perhaps? (It's just a mere $1280) or maybe something at a more reasonable price like the Clare Vivier Foldover Clutch or Striped Clutch for around $156?
Givenchy Antigona Clutch Photo courtesey of |
Clare Vivier Foldover Clutch
Photo courtesey of |
Clare Vivier Striped Clutch
Photo courtesey of |
People assume by spending all this time and money on clothes, shoes, purses and accessories that I must be lacking in intelligence and just exist in my stereotypical, superficial world. But alas my loyal readers this is not true. I was a total nerd in school, am super shy, and am probably too nice for my own good ( I was always a good target for those mean girls). I don't like or want attention so my carrying a Prada handbag might warrant oohs and ahs, but nothing could make me more uncomfortable. I just appreciate fashion and happen to have taste I cannot necessarily afford. (Unfortunately I'm too financially smart to go into debt over my fashion habit.) But I digress....back to the Christmas list.
I can always use make up as it's expensive and it's not always something I enjoy buying for myself. I use Bobbi Brown make up and it has proven light, airy and effectively natural looking. Gotta have a good base for that make up to sit on so I always use these two things together, especially in the winter months when my skin tends to dry out. These are some of my go to favs.
Photo courtesy of |
Hydrating Face Cream
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And I'd like to try this toner for the first time, since I spent most summers of my youth slathered in baby oil lying on the beach. Maybe this will help me reverse those sun spots. Girls, listen to your mothers, protect your faceor you end up spotty and weird looking when you're 30...
Photo courtesy of |
La Posh Style is my new online shopping obsession. Cute clothes, good prices, and it is still flying under the radar (like those unpopular
pretty girls in high school who no one notices until the 10 year reunion) so everyone and their sister won't be wearing the same thing as you at your holiday gatherings.
I have a good boot, but the shade of brown is just a hint off and doesn't quite function as the neutral it's supposed to so I found these two which I like equally well. The Traveler boot and the oddly unnamed Lps b75
Traveler Boot
Photo courtesy of |
Lps b75
Photo courtesy of |
Chevron AND sequins?!? Gotta get the Stardust dress Great for those holiday parties! Ok, I have a confession - I have three all-sequin dresses sitting in my closet right now (one of them with the tags still on) but who can't use another? And this one has sleeves, the others are cap sleeved and tanks...and ladies, this is how you rationalize
Stardust Dress
Photo courtesy of
Who doesn't love a pair of comfy VS Fireside Long Jane pjs in leopard? I always convince myself that if I buy these I too will somehow look messily sexy like the models instead of simply like a giant stretched out leopard.
Photo courtesey of
Elf natural nymph lipstick or runway pink (eyes lips face = Elf) I need a barely there, look polished-without-trying lipstick and the reviews of this one seem fantastic. For $5.00 you can't go wrong, right???
Eyes Lips Face - Natural Nymph Lipstick
Photo courtesy of |
Eyes Lips Face - Runway Pink Lipstick
Photo courtesy of |
I'm loving mint this season and not just as my ice cream flavor. I'm not sure if it's really winter appropriate but I figure with a fuzzy sweater and boots I can make it work. I found this pair from Urban Outfitters that won't break the bank (since I can't imagine mint skinny jeans lasting for more than a few seasons).
BDG Cigarette High-Rise JeanPhoto courtesy of |
And I still want Sorel Joan of Arctic boots and the Fiel Sol Annika necklace!
Sorel Joan or Arctic BootsPhoto courtesy of |
Annika Necklace
Photo courtesy of |
This Camel coat from Old Navy is perfect for dressing up or dressing down. I would know because I already have it in orange, but I need a more versatile color that goes well with my red Prada. (What a paradox - a discount coat paired with a luxurious purse.) The ruffle collar detail is just enough to add interest.
Ruffle Collar Wool Blend Coat Photo courtesy of |
Shop away my friends, I'll be waiting! What's on your list? Grab a glass of champagne and start making your list and checking it twice.
*Sorry some of the words are split up strangely I couldn't figure out how to fix it!