It seems that as we age time goes more quickly. How many of us notice that summers used to feel eternal, time to study the changing light of day, appreciate family and friends, and bask in the warmth of the sun. In school, summer vacation was the holy grail, giving time for friends, the pool, Italian ices and sunset bike rides at 8 pm. Now it seems as if summer speeds by, weekends are planned months in advance, and beautiful days are spent inside at work. Adults always seem to be preparing for what's next instead of truly living in the moment. We worry about squeezing things in, getting ready for the next school year, the next project we will tackle, the next trip we will take. This "squeezing" is only reinforced by the media and companies who advertise and sell Christmas memorabilia in October, resort wear in November, and bathing suits in January (gotta market to those spring breakers of course- you know the ones who leave college behind for a tropical island, all on their patents' dime?).
I wonder, does the speed at which time passes increase proportionally as we age? If so, it's no wonder the elderly are always talking about the past. They can't keep up with the present!
Try to remember how short life is and savor every moment, because as cliche as it sounds you can't get it back. When I'm 90 (or older hopefully) and on my deathbed I won't be thinking "Gee, I'm glad I worked so much. I'll be thinking, I'm so glad I spent that extra time with my family and friends/" So grab your glass of champagne and mull this over. Or better yet, call up said family and friends and make some memories over a glass...ahem, bottle...of champagne!
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