But the bigger question remains - how to enjoy Labor Day weekend and the races with a two-and-a-half month old?? With this being the last official weekend of summer and with meteorologists forecasting sunny, hot days I was determined to bid summer a deserving goodbye.
The days of lazily meandering the streets, covered beverage in hand, while listening to the roar of the engines is no more. Here is my Mommy Plan to enjoy the races (those with children can recognize the humor in the idea of a "plan"):
-Pack the car first! Don't forget the stroller and the baby bag filled with enough diapers, wipes and milk to survive the apocalypse
-Nurse baby, burp and change baby
-Everyone in the car, pray baby falls asleep so I can create some semblance of "the old days," no matter how fleeting or unrealistic this is
-Gaze out the window remembering how simple life used to be, knowing all the while that deep down I wouldn't trade this new life for the world
-Find parking, unload, find a spot to watch the race
What really happened -
-Packed car as planned.
-Baby needs a change. Ok, this will be quick, I can resume the plan right after I take care of this...WAIT! Baby peed all over the cute race outfit I spent 10 minutes picking out this morning.
-Rushed upstairs to find a new race outfit....oh who cares, bunny onesie it is...HURRY! before the husband sits back down and starts watching soccer again...
-Change baby's outfit, feed her, burp her. Poor planning mama, she just spit up all over your cute race day outfit!
-Race upstairs to change(is that the tv I hear?!). Need to pick out race friendly, nursing friendly, I-still-have-it-together-and-can-be-trendy-despite-having-had-a-baby outfit
-Change and head downstairs.
-Baby not sleeping!
-Realize a whole hour has passed and the baby will want to eat again REALLY soon...sigh
-I don't even care that much about car racing, is this all worth trying to recapture a normal day?? I'm not so sure, but all the work I've already put in urges me on.
-Leaving, finally!
-Waste 20 minutes searching for parking while baby stirs, please don't wake up, just give me 20 more minutes to enjoy some time with my husband!
Well, we found a great spot to watch the race. Not too hot, not too loud, and I have to say despite the monumental amount of effort it took to get here, it is all worth it.
The cars look so light and dangerously delicate, but they effortlessly dance around the curves of the track with the sun gleaming off their shiny surfaces as onlookers watch in amazement.
I glance around at the drunk post-college students sloppily walking the streets and realize how beautiful my family and life truly are. And that my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!
If you can get out to watch the races you really should, it is exciting, loud and fun, just what summer should be!
Check out the race festivities and schedule
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