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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I love organizing things. For some reason I get pure joy and a huge sense of accomplishment from organizing, and I'll organize...well anything really. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

After I had my baby I decided I could not fall victim to 'tired mommy syndrome' and spend my days caring for baby and lounging on the couch. I decided that each day I had to do two things.

First, get out and do something with the baby no matter what - go for a walk, run to the store, play a new game, read a new book etc. It has helped me from getting bored and has forced me to get back out into the world. (It actually has helped me lose some baby weight too!)

When the baby napped I was busy working on the second thing I had resolved to do, which was to try new things in the house. Whether its DIY laundry detergent, WD-40ing the doors or cleaning those things you never have time to clean - like the space in the dryer that holds the lint screen - I made myself begin to check things off that 'House To Do' list.

What I found was that I truly LOVE organizing things! I already knew this but never really had this much time to devote to doing it.

I began with the linen closet. We had so many gifts for the baby that I decided to upcylce the boxes and containers in which the gifts came to help me organize my closet. I took several quality box-bottoms and designated one for each type of item.

One box holds contact and eyeglass stuff such as solution, extra contact cases, the mini bottles of solution you get with the cases, actual contacts (I change them every two weeks) among other things. 

Another holds all hair and body products - you know those items that are on sale so you have to buy them but have yet to use them? Three for $10 sounds like a great idea at the time but what am I going to do with three cucumber melon antibacterial lotions in the middle of winter?! I don't know about you, but no one needs that much cucumber melon.

Lastly, I had to write a ton of thank yous for all of the generous baby gifts we got so I took the plastic box in which the thank yous came and used it to store all my travel sized items. I trek back and forth to my family's houses often and am always in need of travel sized everything so having it in one place allows for quick packing and less stress. A side note about quick packing: I leave my toiletry bag mostly packed with travel sized shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, extra contacts, make up remover wipes, contact solution, a comb and a loofah. This way when it's time to pack I take out the bag and toss in my make up, toothbrush, razor,and eyeglasses and I'm ready to head out the door! When I come home I replace any item that needs replacing, take out the make up, toothbrush and razor, and put the bag away so I'm ready for my next jaunt away somwhere.

The next step in Mission Organization was to organize the medicines. I used the top and bottom of a pretty gift box we got and placed the medicine in the box according to type and how often it is used. If you often take ibuprofen for example, you don't want to be digging around in the back each time you need it. Therefore all my allergy medicine was together followed by cold medicines, headache/pain medicine and finally stomach/digestive medicines. In the second box I placed things like band aids, thermometer, gauze pads and cough drops. 

I placed these boxes on the shelves according to how often I use/need them. The things you use most often should be at eye level and within easy reach.  (But locked safely away if you have young children of course.)

Putting your items in clear or wire boxes/baskets allows you to see its contents and remain organized. That way things are easy to find, even for husbands and kids who could be staring right at the item they're looking for while claiming "it's not in here" or "I don't seeee it." With an organization system you can be sitting on the couch reading a magazine while your husband finds the Advil without your help (hopefully!).

The last thing I did was purge extra bath towels, fold them neatly and stack them alongside the sheets.

I reuse plastic zipper bags (you know the ones sheets and comforters come in?) for extra sheets, pillow cases and even clothing that the baby has outgrown. It keeps the sheets smelling fresh so when your guests arrive expected or not-so-expected you don't have to panic about finding and washing the sheets. The other great thing is that because they are in sealed plastic you can even store them on the floor of your closet (like I do!) without having to worry about dust or grime.

Organized living leaves me with a clear, calm mind to face the day. It makes me more efficient because I don't spend a lot of time searching for things. (As my dad always told me "If you put it back in the same spot all the time you'll never lose it" - words I hated at the time but that have come to be all too true.). And that my friends is worth a glass of champagne (or two!).

I'm on to the glassware next!

What are your favorite organization tips???

1 comment

  1. I like to pretend that things are organized. Just keep the closet doors closed and then everything is alright.


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