I have never seen a more organized closet in all my life. Mine is organized, but it gets super messy from time to time. Hers is never messy. Never. Her closet looks like something straight out of a out of a catalog. All. of. the.time. I don't know how she does it, but I love it!
Never one to be stingy, I am going to share the wealth with all of you. So here it is, my first guest post (!) - K. is going to tell you how she folds her tee-shirts, because in my opinion, is the coolest part of her whole closet. She stacks her perfectly folded tees the way J.Crew and other retail stores do - all the same size, facing the same way, employing the exact same folding technique on each one.
If any of you get inspired to re-fold and re-organize your closets, do share, I wanna see!! You can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest (use the buttons at the top right of my page). And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any more fun stuff!
Take it away, K...
Some define OCD as Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, but I see it as Organized Captivating Debonair. I’ve always been told I have OCD, especially
when people enter my closet, but I don’t really see that as a bad thing. Being organized is something that comes
naturally to me, and makes my life just a little bit less chaotic. Between class, studying, cooking, working
out, and the occasional TV episode/season, there isn’t much time to be fiddling
around trying to find something or tidy up.
If you’re organized from the get go, than it will just make life that
much easier.
A great place to start is in
your closet. You can do this gradually
over time as you wash and put away your clothes. I’m currently going to veterinary school away
from home. Even down here in Grenada, I
have my closet just as orderly as back home in Georgia. Probably the first thing people say when they
see my clothes are how neat my t-shirts look and how it looks like a department
store display! I haven’t let anybody in
how effortless and easy it is to do until now.
So no more bunching your t-shirts in that bottom drawer, and follow these
ridiculously easy steps.
Lay your t-shirt face down on
your bed, or the top of your dryer, any flat surface will do.
Fold one half in. I like to go just a few inches away from
where the collar starts (okay…yes that is my OCD talking).
Fold the other half of the
shirt in the same fashion.
Now fold your t-shirt in
half, and you are done!
There you have it! The lost art of t-shirt folding in 3 easy
steps! I like to color coordinate them,
but that is just a personal preference (okay, okay…it’s the OCD talking
again). Seriously though, this is
something really easy to do as soon as your clothes come out of the dryer. Fold them right away, and than you’ll always
have neat t-shirts. No more digging
through that bottom drawer to find your favorite shirt!
Thanks for the tutorial, K!
Somehow mine never turn out quite like that... Isn't that just insane how perfect they are?! Blows me away every time. Thanks to K. for sharing her secret with us and for inspiring us to re-fold our closets! And that secret my friends, is worth a glass of champagne (even if it's not our closet!)
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