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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Domestic Fridays

Dear Girl at Safeway,

You passed me, my husband and my little girl at 6pm on Friday in the frozen food aisle.  You turned to your friend as we passed with a snide, 'domestic Fridays' just loud enough for us to hear. 

I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you are not wise enough to recognize that my domestic Friday is more rewarding than any night you may have at a bar with your friends.  As you gathered up your cocktail mixers, I purchased cookies, diapers and bread. For my family.  

I'm sorry you do not know the joy of giving birth to a being who is solely dependent on you in every way. I'm sorry you don't have someone who thinks you walk on water. I'm sorry you don't have a little, round, perfectly porcelained face staring up at you with big eyes everyday, saying 'I livyoutoo, Mama.' I'm sorry that no one thinks you are as cool as to follow you to the bathroom while you poop.  I'm sorry no one tries to be you in every way - wearing your finest designer purse, your  fedora and your jewels.  I'm sorry you don't look over and explode with love watching your daughter read out loud to herself in gibberish.  I'm sorry you don't get to hear someone coo and babble in the morning in her crib. I'm sorry you can't have the pleasure of hearing your daughter, who has just pretended to hide her water bottle exclaim 'I find it!!' with pure unadulterated jubilation.

I'm sorry you don't have a man to accompany you through life. I'm sorry that man doesn't make you breakfast in bed or buy you Us magazine and flowers after a rough day. I'm sorry he doesn't bend over backwards and work like a dog to give you and your family all the things you want in life. I'm sorry he doesn't make you laugh till you cry and stay up with you when you are sad. 

I'm sorry you can't recognize that I was once you. I've woken up with my make-up smeared on my pillow from the previous night.  I've stayed out all night laughing and carousing with friends. I've bought those same mixers you are now buying. I've put on my pre-game playlist and gotten ready with my friends. I've talked to douche bags at bars. I've traveled the world.  I've thought family life was boring and terrible.  I've been you and that's why I kept my comments to myself that night in Safeway. I've had my fun. But I've moved on. And hopefully so will you someday. 

And maybe I'm being presumptuous about you and your life as you were that night in Safeway about mine.  You assume my life is that of a boring old maid or mom who is miserable in my life. Unfortunately, this could not be further from the truth.  Your comments are sadly those of an ignorant, immature child who doesn't seem to know what she wants in life.  Or perhaps they are those of someone who knows exactly what she wants in life. Either way, you came off bitter and jealous.  I'm sorry for that.  

(And by the way, if you're so cool, what were you doing at the Safeway on a Friday night? Just sayin...)

I wouldn't trade my 'domestic Fridays' for anything in this entire world.  

~And that my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~

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