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Friday, July 18, 2014

...from the web Fridays, July 18, 2014

At work on this beautiful Friday?  Here are some links to make it look like you're busy working...

{Benefit vending machines in airport} This is genius! I always feel like a hot mess after a flight, no matter how cute I looked getting on the plane.  
Photo courtesy of

{Want that designer purse, ask yourself these questions} Ok so this may be too late for me, considering I already bought that Prada two years ago, but it's a classic shape and a classic color so that makes it ok, right????
Photo courtesy of

{App checks up on you after a walk} 
Should've had this years ago.  Would've given me, and my mother, piece of mind.  The app checks up on you to make sure you made it home ok.  After living by myself for four years this would've saved me the trouble of having to juggle my school bag, dance bag, and gym bag while squeezing the phone to my ear and assuring my mother I was not being attacked on my walk home from the car to my apartment.  Also good for the nights I walked home from the bars alone.  Sorry Mom, it happened!  But only sometimes, and I always walked 'with purpose' and 'with keys in hand' as you always told me.  (insert sheepish grin and shoulder shrug here).  Love you, Mom!
Photo courtesy of

{Tip your hat to Jeter} El Capitan.  #2. No matter how you feel about the Yankees, he's a damn good baseball player.  He's leaving us this year and baseball will never be the same - at least in this NY girl's opinion.  Thanks, DJ, for some good baseball and some good eye candy.
Photo courtesy of

Enjoy your weekend!!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~


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