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Friday, July 25, 2014

...from the web Fridays, July, 25, 2014

Umm, this is the last Friday in July?!  That is SO not cool. 

Here are some links to get your mind off the fact that summer is practically over...

{We Hate You Too, Single Traveler} Traveling with kids is not easy but the title of this article is somewhat misleading.  It's more (reproachful, admonishing, accusatory) than hate really.
Photo courtesy of

{Freezer Meals} This lady is a beast at freezer meals.  Great for those who dread cooking.  Cook all day for one day and have a month of meals.  I don't know how she does it.  And on the cheap! 

Kids, you can bring mom's (or dad's) cooking to college with you...IF you can get her/him to give up her/his weekend to whip up a month's worth of meals.  But for you?  You know she/he will!
Photo courtesy of

{Kate Spade does Swimwear} She can't be stopped.  Bags, shoes, jewelry.  Now swimwear.  You can bet it will be cutesy and classic - just my style.  Can't wait!
Photo courtesy of

 {What to Expect in Your 30s} In case you need a list of things that tell you you're old.  Except this one is specific to your 30s.  

How do I get the job where I get paid to tell people the obvious?  You know, things you already know?  It's like those infomercials that sell things for the simplest of tasks, like cutting a banana, (buy it here)
Photo courtesy of
or those clever ideas on Pinterest, like labeling your cords with the plastic bread closer things.
Photo courtesy of
We are convinced we need them and wonder why we never thought of them before.  

Apparently there is some camaraderie (read --> misery loves company) built when reading about things you already know are happening to you?  Idk...
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 ^^Get it girl. Run like you're not in your 30s. (hehe)^^

{Signs you're getting older}  Because spotting your first gray hair and seeing your first wrinkle aren't sign enough...

My personal favs: #s 16-17,19-20, 26-30, 35-38, 41-44, 47-50. I guess if I like that many of them, I'm old! (Listing numbers like that made me feel like a teacher again  #homeworkisonthesideboard)

To make you feel better about aging, here is some aging humor to give you a giggle:
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^^  Right?!^^

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^^Gotta sneak in my English teacher humor somewhere! (Why is it that English teachers and Math teachers are always at odds?  Why not English and say, Science or History???  I digress...)^^

But in all seriousness...
Photo courtesy of

 Be grateful to wake up each morning; life's a gift.  Don't waste it. 

Carpere auctor! (Seize the weekend - thanks Google translate)

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~


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