life, love, family, shopping...because there's always a reason to celebrate!

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Round Trip for a Day

Today couldn't have started worse.  I was running super late and I had to catch a plane.  But that was late too.  I was only going to NY for the day but being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) I am not used to being the one to leave my daughter.  She does everything with me - we go grocery shopping together, we go for runs together, we play together, she even follows me to the bathroom, so I guess we do that together too???  Anyhoo, I could've spent an extra few minutes with her before flying out if only I had know the plane was to be delayed.  But c'est la vie.

Once I was on my way I began to get excited.  Excited to be an adult, alone, peacefully reading Glamour.  And doing the crossword in the back of the airplane magazine.  Nerd alert.  

As we began our descent I couldn't wait to go see my friends for the day.  And L's bridal shower couldn't be a better reason to celebrate. Jen picked me up at the airport and we headed to Liz's cousin's house.  All I have to say about pulling up the house is WOA. 

Gorgeous house inside and out!  

Once inside we greeted Liz's mom and other family members as they anxiously prepped the food and awaited Liz's arrival.  

We grabbed a drink and headed outside to the pool to check out the decor and catch up.  It was the perfect country chic garden party.  White table and chairs sat around the yard topped with beautiful floral china.  Each table had china from a different member of Liz's family so it wasn't just beautiful, it was also very meaningful.  Mason jars filled with wildflowers adorned each table and scented handmade soap favors marked each place setting.

Her mom and aunt made all the food from scratch, and although I had to leave the shower early to head home for my husband's work event, I did get to sample some of it.  Homemade crab cakes, tortellini, salads, chicken cutlets, sangria - a whole gluten free menu just for us.  Again I forgot to take pics of the food.  My stomach takes over and my brain shuts down.  Sorry guys!  

Liz arrived promptly and everyone was so happy to see her.  No one is more deserving of a gorgeous bridal shower than she is.  Liz gives of herself to everyone else and truly goes out of her way for those she loves.  She works furiously in her career but seems to somehow always remember the little things that just make people's day.  Despite living in different states, she never fails to send me a birthday card (early I may add) with a birthday poem inside.  

J, L and I have been friends since high school
(J & L since elementary school, omg!)
I'm sure all that truly know Liz feel the same way, which is why the gift table was overflowing with stuff!

You can't even see the front of the table anymore!

I am so happy that Liz and I have remained friends since high school, but more importantly that she has found a wonderful man in Fab.  They are a model of what a kind, thoughtful, smart, loving relationship should be.   To Liz & Fab ladies and gents - And that my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!  (And it will be.  In November, when they tie the knot! xoxo)  

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