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Friday, June 27, 2014

...from the web Fridays

First and foremost, our little bundle of 9 lb 12oz joy is here!  She arrived Wednesday at 9:22am and we are all thrilled! 

Here are a few things to keep you busy this weekend...

{Google Gives Employee Week Off at Daughters Request}  I'm sure my husband is hoping one of his two daughters can swing this kind of a thing for him.  Gotta love Google!
Photo courtesy of
{What Nobody Tells You About Your Favorite Tourist Attractions}  Good to know for when you're out exploring the world.
Photo courtesy of

{What Nobody Tells You About the First Three Months of Motherhood} All too true.  Going through it right now, I can say I am overwhelmed with joy to add one more beautiful girl to our already wonderful family.  And I'm tired. really.tired.  
Photo courtesy of

We are thrilled with our new bundle of joy and hopefully you are all out enjoying another beautiful summer weekend.  Thanks for all of your congratulatory messages and well wishes!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~

Monday, June 23, 2014

What to Pack for a C-Section

The countdown for Baby #2 is on and I recently packed my hospital bag.  Although I'm scheduled for a c-section, there are still some essentials I want to pack.  I've learned a lot from the last time so I thought I'd pass along my must have hospital items for a c-section.  I can't speak for those who have natural births because their needs and experience are very different but perhaps there is some overlap.  Those of you who've given birth naturally will have to let me know.  

Two weeks before your c-section, if you're anything like me, your nesting instinct will be in full effect and you'll be looking to pack for the hospital.  I spent five days in the hospital last time and I expect something similar this time.  

Sorry if the picture is small, had to post from my phone!

**Warning - some of these items are described in graphic nature so if you're a guy, haven't given birth before, or know me in a way in which you don't need or want to read about my underwear recommendation, then some of this post may make you uncomfortable to say the least.  Join me for the next post why don'tchya?  Consider yourself warned, proceed with caution**

Here is my packing list:

  1. {Going home outfit for baby} I pack two onesie pajamas - one in size newborn and one in size 0-3 months.  I have big babies so I'm never sure if the newborn size will fit.  
  2. {Swaddling blanket for baby} I pack a small swaddling blanket for the baby in order to swaddle her in the hospital but also for the car ride home to keep her warm.  The hospital where I'm giving birth provides the cutest little pom pom knit hats so I don't bring one of those, but if your hospital doesn't have cute hats you may want to consider bringing your own.  
  3. {Going home outfit for me} A loose, cotton dress is ideal after a c-section.  You will not be able to tolerate anything touching your incision for quite a while.  Why add more pain to what already is an extremely painful surgery? Throw on some flip flops and you're on your way home.  (I pack flip flops I can wear in the shower also.  Although I can't usually get up to shower until day three.)
  4. {Binder} I got a belly binder when I left the hospital the last time, and although it is somewhat painful and uncomfortable to wear, it does help support you.  Think of it as a girdle-type contraption that sucks you in and keeps everything in place.  The times I didn't wear it I found to be more painful than when I did.  For example, I didn't wear it on the ride home from the hospital and every bump and crack caused me to feel a lot of pain.  I wound up holding my belly all the way home.  
  5. {Pads or Depends}  There I said it.  Super awkward and uncomfortable to admit and talk about, but it's true.  Despite not giving natural birth, there is still plenty of bleeding that happens after having a c-section.  The hospital I'm going to provides a limited supply of these and then it is up to you.  Luckily, I had plenty the last time I gave birth, but you will need them when you get home.  For a few weeks.  
  6. {Cheap underwear}  I suggest getting loose, cotton underwear.  You will not want anything touching your incision for quite a while.  And considering all the post-partum bleeding that happens, you don't want to ruin your good stuff.  I actually buy men's boxer-briefs.  Comfy and loose, for some reason I feel less embarrassed buying those than granny panties.  Remember that episode of SITC when Carrie wears them? Just tell yourself you look cute like her in them.
  7.  {Make-up} Only bring the essentials.  I didn't even shower until day three - and god was it glorious to feel clean and fresh - but I did not have the energy to do more than a little bit.  I was not bronzing, highlighting or contouring - no energy for that.  And if you can be sleeping instead of make-up-ing, why not do the former?
  8. {Sleep Mask} For me this is essential.  I normally have a hard time sleeping in anything but complete darkness (at the first sign of dawn without a sleep mask I'm up).  You don't get much sleep in the hospital believe it or not, so the sleep mask helps as you're often sleeping at odd times -including the middle of the day.  Nurses come in to check on you every hour or so, taking your temperature, giving you pills, changing your water, and other things...  Then, nurses come in every two hours with the baby so you can nurse her.  It's kind of exhausting really, and something I didn't expect the first time around.  I figured the week stay in the hospital would be the last good sleep I'd get before baby #1.  Not true.  
  9. {Your Pillow}  Nothing is better than the smell and softness of your own pillow.  
  10. {Boppy}  A lifesaver.  Hard to get the placement of it right while nursing because of the incision, but definitely necessary to prop the baby up.  I also used it as a pillow when I wasn't nursing.  
  11. {Nursing bra}  Although I wore my hospital gown the whole five days I was there, it would've been nice when people came to visit if I had a nursing-friendly bra around.  Lesson learned from last time, that bad boy is definitely coming with me. 
  12. {Phone and charger} Gotta be able to call everyone and tell them the good news! And take pics of course. 
  13. {Book or magazine}  HA.  I thought I'd have time to read last time.  Nope.  And even when I did all I wanted to do was sleep.  Or see my baby.  Or talk to my husband.  Or eat.  
  14. {Snacks}  Because it is hospital food after all...   
You can also check out this list from Baby Center if you need more ideas.  

So for all those mamas-to-be out there I hope this helps and I hope all goes well.  

In a few short hours we will have met our second baby!  I'll keep you posted!!! 💗💗💗

Friday, June 20, 2014

...from the web Fridays, June 20, 2014

Ready for your Friday installment?  Here it is!

{15 Things You Didn't Know About Chick-Fil-A}  Having just gotten our first Chick-Fil-A within walking distance, I wanted to know the fifteen things I didn't know.  
Photo courtesy of

{Handwriting Matters} Make sure you take time to write instead of typing or texting.  And learn how to write in cursive, it's important. 
Photo courtesy of

{7 Things Morning People Do Differently}  I'm a morning person so I guess I'm happier, smarter, more productive and nicer than you night owls, according to this article.  Yeah, I'm not so sure about it either...
Photo courtesy of

{Don't Be So Strict, Mom and Dad} Having taught and worked with children for a very long time I have witnessed this phenomenon firsthand.  Often, the parents who are the most strict and are too overbearing have the wildest children.  That is not to say parents who fail to set boundaries and rules have angels.  Moderation is key in everything people, even parenting.  
Photo courtesy of

{An & Ria's First Flight}  These might be the cutest ladies ever!  They seriously need their own show.  Heartwarming, charming and funny, take ten minutes out of your day to watch this.  I only hope I can be as happy as these women when I am their age!

Enjoy your weekend!!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~


Friday, June 13, 2014

...from the web Fridays, June 13, 2014

Yet another Friday is here - how is time going so quickly?! 

(All links can be found in the headings and in the descriptions).

{Meal Baby} If you know someone about to have a baby (like myself - two weeks to go!) check out this site to help those new mamas out.  Order meals or giftcards right to their door to give them a break. 
Photo courtesy of
Oftentimes, people offer to help new moms but they so often feel overwhelmed by all the 'newness' they don't even know what they need help with.  Instead of waiting to be told what to do, just do. Anything. Simple things like laundry, cleaning, taking a second child out for a few hours.  

Or food.  A lady's gotta eat. And sometimes she's so focused on feeding her new bundle of joy, she neglects herself. This website is one way of helping whether near or far. 

{The Dream Kickoff} This is absolutely intellectually stunning.  A longer article but amazing just the same.  I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the concept that simply thinking of doing something, can in effect, force your body to do said thing.  Read the article, you'll see what I mean.  
Photo courtesy of
Or better yet, if you missed watching it during the opening ceremony of the World Cup, watch it happen here

{Songza} If you haven't tried this app yet you should.  
Photo courtesy of
It's free and allows you to choose your mood or activity to determine a playlist. 
Photo courtesy of
Photo courtesy of
I don't know about you but I get sick of my own playlists after awhile.  I like the element of surprise - 'What song will come on next? Oh that one, I LOVE that song!' Or 'I forgot about that song! So good'. Check it out.  

{Summer Beauty Essentials} It's here so you'd better be ready!  Some great products from six beauty editors.  
Photo courtesy of

{Keep the Kids Safe} Not yet patented, this device keeps school doors from being opened in the event of an emergency.  Keep the bad guys out, keep the kids safe, my teacher self says 'Yep!'
Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

{Dads} And in honor of Father's Day this Sunday check out this video from Dove...get your tissues

Enjoy your weekend, we're halfway through June already!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~


Friday, June 6, 2014

...from the web Fridays

It's Friday and you know what that means.  I'm giving you some things to keep you busy this weekend. 

{Code Talkers} Not sure why I never learned about these guys in school, but it's pretty awesome! Learn more, here.   
Photo courtesy of

{30 Most Beautiful Small Towns}  I was surprised to learn I've visited two of the towns on this list.  There are some beauties on here - gotta add them to my bucket list. Check out the list here and see how many you've visited!
Photo courtesy of

{I Love You Because...}  Father's Day is right around the corner and if you're low on cash but want to do something special for old Dad try this DIY craft I found on Pinterest. Moms often get our most sweet, sentimental gifts, but who's to say the big guy wouldn't want a little reminder of just how much you love him? A big home-cooked meal never hurt anyone either ;)
Photo courtesy of

{A Bear Did What?!}  Relax and put your feet up this weekend just as this bear did at a home in Florida. Is this real?  I'm still not sure. One, I didn't think Florida had bears.  Two, I would NOT try to interrupt his obvious hammock-nap vacation by snapping his photo!  Nonetheless, good for a chuckle.
Photo courtesy of

Have a safe and happy weekend!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~

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