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Friday, August 15, 2014

...from the web Fridays, August 15,2014

Got a few extra links for you today on this Friday.  Enjoy these last days of summer because as rumor has it, winter is coming early this year.  Womp womp. :(

{What it's Like to be Out of Shape at the Gym} 
The treadmill scene in this is so true. I do have short legs you know...

I don't know if I find the message of this video hilarious or oxymoronic. In some ways, it implies that in order to escape feeling like the man and woman in the video you must already be in shape to get in shape.  Otherwise, you're doomed to have a shameful experience.  

I don't know about you but I admire two types of people at the gym: the ones who are already in amazing shape because it gives me something to strive for, and the ones who are working really hard to get in shape because I am amazed at their hard work and determination to improve their lives despite what others (or youtube videos) may think. The video makes me laugh nonetheless, simply because we have all been the out of shape person at some point.  
Photo courtesy of

{Get out of the Bubble} I've been telling my students this for years!  Get away from home and what is familiar to you, even if only for a little while.  It will open your eyes and heart to a million different things and it is sure to be an experience you'll never forget.  
Photo courtesy of

{Girls Night Out Before and After Kids}  You deserve a night out, even if the process by which you get there is a far cry from dance parties and mixed drinks. 
Photo courtesy of

{Moving} This is so true.  Moving is awful.  The first couple of times are exciting - out of your parents' house to college, to your first apartment...after that screw moving - I'd rather pay someone to do it for me then go through that hassle one. more. time. Those of you in the military or those who simply who moved a lot, I honestly don't know how you do it. Kudos! 
Photo courtesy of

{Brain Vacation} Your brain needs a vacay too! Set aside time for it to rest - don't always be doing stuff, rest once in a while, and let your brain rest too. 
Photo courtesy of

{Best Beer in Baseball} Glad to know Baltimore is doing pretty well, however you'd think a team like the Yankees would step up their beer offerings, especially considering the price of tickets to home games.  C'mon Yanks, you can do better than that.  

Photo courtesy of

{Dad Quits CEO Role} This is amazing.  More moms and dads should do this (if they can).  It saddens me that people work so hard to build great lives but often never get a chance to actually live them.  It'd be great if we could all reevaluate our values and truly put family first while adequately compensating people. We only go around in this world once, who wants to skip family for work?? (And I loved my job but family is always first in my book) 
Photo courtesy of

{Livin' on a Boat} Reminiscent of Thoreau's experience at Walden Pond, half of me totally wants to do this and the other half says that I'd be way too lonely (and gross - I'm not showering in the ocean! Doesn't that just make you get salty and crusty? I guess I've never tried but I'm assuming bathing in the very place the fish excrete is not my idea of clean) 
Photo courtesy of

I wouldn't mind going on a boat, however...

Happy Weekend!

~And that, my friends, is worth a glass of champagne!~


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